Upstate NY Babies

It's amazing (differences in kids)

My older DD is terrified of the Dr.  I remember for her 2 year visit - quite vividly - the nurse pricked her finger and she screamed so hard, she was over 30lbs and kicked and screamed, cried til she almost vomited, I could barely restrain her.  Now she's 4.5 and had her flu mist a couple weeks ago and she was crying even though I promised her nothing would hurt (and she's had the mist 2x before).

So my younger had her 2 year visit yesterday.  She cautiously let the nurse prick her finger, and I held her arm while the nurse got the blood from her finger, but no tears or anything (she was more concerned about the bandaid).

They are just SO different.  They've had the same Dr, same experience, but are so diff.  In fact my 2 year old had a blood draw about a month ago when we were testing her peanut allergy - and she didn't even cry.  It is amazing how different their personalities are!

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