June 2012 Moms

Overweight and Pregnant

So before conceiving I was working towards reaching my first goal in my weight loss.  I started at 235 lbs in March and by mid-september I was at 205.  My first goal was to hit 199... But I ended up getting a BFP instead.  I'm still hanging out in the 205 area but I'm now worried about the added weight gain of pregnancy.  The march of dimes and CDC recommend I only gain between 11-20 lbs which is fine I don't want to gain more tan that but I want to make sure I'm still getting the requirements for my nugget... And I'm still active and trying to eat as healthily as I possible. 

I guess I'm worried about potential effects my weight could have on my full pregnancy and on my child.  

Is there anyone else going through this? If so, how are you feeling about it all and dealing with it?

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