June 2012 Moms

My body is thanking me

I had a great sleep last night, felt pretty good most of yesterday (a little tired) and thus far feel really good today. Here's why:

1. I got the Jamison Prenatal - from being here on the boards I saw that B vitamins seem to help with MS so I chose Jamison over Materna as it had the higher B Vitamins.  I noticed a huge difference from Wednesday to Thursday - much less nausea.

2. I went to yoga last night - I was exhausted and almost didn't go, but I felt a million times better for going. I felt like my body was thanking me for doing it. I had taken a week off for Thanksgiving (Canadian here...) and for when we got our BFP. My body got right back into the poses  and I felt calmed and centered when I left the class. Also - I slept a million times better. I didn't get up in the middle of the night to pee (despite being very well hydrated), nor did I have restless legs all night.

After going to yoga last night and seeing/feeling how worth it it was to drag my exhausted butt off the couch, I think I'm going to make an effort to get back into my old schedule - 4-5xWk. 

So my question to you all is what are you doing that your body is loving you for? Or hating you for?

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