Single Parents

Still here, questions about everyday dealing as SP/HOH

Hi all,

I have still been lurking, just very busy as I went back to work a month ago and still learning how to juggle things. Quick update: divorce finalized 8/29, judge ordered nothing as to my losses with the apt fees or joint checking accounts, I have sole physical custody and joint legal, just recieved first c/s which I was pleased about and helps, and visitation is another story. And still living with the folks.

Anyways I am finding it very hard to deal with balancing everything regarding bills, plans to move out whenever, long term finance, still learning what DD needs as far as development at this stage, daily chores, and personal time. Mainly dealing with with all of it alone or as one person. Clipping coupons, sorting through mail, sorting reciepts, etc in my free time by myself just doesn't seem like anything I want to do. I could see if I had a great parenting partner/SO to hang with while doing it might not make it so bad but I am already so drained already with work, baby when not working (not that she isn't the greatest ever :)), daily chores that must be done........I just don't want to deal with it. I know that sounds awful but it just seems like a lot and when I have a free 30min to an hour I just want to veg and DVR catch up.

So any tips? I know this too will pass and all but I just feel drained by it all...again especially alone.

P.S. I was seeing a counsler but she started to not fit right with me so looking for another at the moment.

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