Los Angeles Babies

HUGE Baby Shower - Need Venue

My husband and a couple very close family friends are trying to plan my baby shower.  It is a surprise shower because they are keeping everything from me except the fact that I am having a shower.


My sweet little husband is insistent upon doing this on his own and is confident in his abilities to do it well. Yet, he has spilled the beans in a couple categories and I desperately want the whole team to just stop the insanity and call the whole thing off as I feel it is going to be too expensive.


The Dilemma

Out of maybe 120 who will be invited, a good 70-90 are expected to show up - so I think.  I have had my college students, friends, church members, people all over the place asking me to make sure they get an invite.  So, it looks like there is need for a venue that can accommodate this many people, that will allow outside catering, and will be open on a Saturday in December.

If anyone knows relatively large locations where one can hold a baby shower in SoCal (preferably Torrance/Redondo Beach area) or wherever, please let me know asap so I can slide this info to my husband to help make his life a little easier. 

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