June 2012 Moms

AW! Repeat betas!

I just want to AW for a moment.  I just got my repeat blood work back.  I went from 184 12 dpo to 529 14 dpo!  The nurse asked me if there was a chance I released 2 eggs!  I know HCG levels aren't necessarily indicative of multiples, but I'll be anxious to see the ultrasound.

On a side note, my progesterone dropped from 35 to 24.6.  I've had chemical pregnancies before so this has me worried.  We're going to check on it again in a week, but the nurse wasn't concerned and didn't recommend progesterone.  That seems like a big drop though.

12 dpo: HCG = 184 Progesterone = 34
14 dpo: HCG = 529 Progesterone = 24.6
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