Upstate NY Babies

Middle Name Dilemma

I think we're pretty set on a first name for this baby, we both like Delaney and Laney as a nickname.  I can think of nice middle names, but the ones I like have no real significance to us.  J's is the same as mine (Louise) and is a family name, and I like the way it flows. 

DH told me yesterday that we should use my maiden name (4 letters) as the MN and then use his stepdad's last name for #3's MN.  Okay, but I don't love the way that my maiden name flows with Delaney but at least it would have some significance.  The real issue is that as of right now, I have no plans to have another child and have told DH this but he doesn't really seem to get it.  His thoughts are that who knows how I'll feel in a few years.  This is a whole separate topic (I think 2 will be plenty for us, space concerns, money!, or the cholestasis of pregnancy issue), but I'm pretty set on being done.  So I keep thinking, don't hold out hope of using the step-dad's last name for #3, but he doesn't get it. 

What would you do?  I know we don't need a solution right away but it would be nice to have it figured out.  I really don't want to use the step-dad's last name with Delaney because its 7 letters long and doesn't flow well with the other names.  

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