June 2012 Moms

**Update: Nervous dr just called**

A little background:

Yesterday we went for our first OB appointment.  The dr told us not to get worried if we didn't see a heartbeat.  But as soon as she started there was  a little blob and in the center it was fluttering as fast as can be!!

Today when my high-risk dr called I was really nervous bc DH wasn't able to come and I was worried that the dr was going to do another us.  My biggest fear is that when I have an us we won't be able to see the heartbeat.  When I lost my son I was at the hospital by myself when the nurses couldn't find the heartbeat and there was no movement on the us.  I felt like I was all alone and never want to have that feeling again.  Well today the dr just wanted to consult with me on a plan for this pregnancy and start me on blood thinner.  So basically I had a mini meltdown for no reason. I just find it so hard to trust that this pregnancy can have a happy ending.    I left the hospital once before without a baby in my arms and I don't want that to happen again.  It's gonna be a long 9 months...

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