Single Parents

RE: to my earlier post

Thanks for your responses, I appreciated it very much.  And you are right, every situation is different. Since my divorce is not news for the world, only those who are closest to me would know the circumstance (besides the anonymous sharing on this board) and I have nothing but support from them.  I know I am the most hardest on myself and I am working hard to release self judgment.  I do feel others outside of my close knit circle do judge me but only because they do not know my situation, and I do know that it is about them and not me.  Still hard though because it makes me feel lost in a crowd. I am determined to not run but face my daily challenge so I can get through them.

I am currently have been going to a therapist who is doing wonders.  My main focus is to heal, renew my mind to a positive and healthy one, better quality of living and forming deep friendships with others before moving on to another relationship in the future.


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