June 2012 Moms

Just got my postive on Monday

Hey Everyone,

I'm new to the club thought I'd introduce myself.  This is my first pregnancy after 2 and a half years of trying so we're pretty excited.  

Really nervous about everything, but praying for the best.  

I just scheduled my first OB appointment this morning... looking at 8 and a half weeks pregnant for that.  

I've only told my best friend, my mom, and of course my DH... but It's soooo hard not to tell everyone!!!! But we've decided to wait until just before Thanksgiving. 

So where are all of you at in your experiences, and  when do you intend to tell people?  Also, have you had any major symptoms yet?  I'm only in week 5 and so far I'm just peeing all the time and am super thirsty.

You've gotta learn to live and live and learn You've gotta learn to give and wait your turn Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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