June 2012 Moms

4th times a charm?? Intro

Hi everyone, just wanted to say hi. I literally just got my bfp at 330 am and can't sleep. I'm posting from my phone laying in bed :) according to my lmp in due 6/16 but I'm pretty sure I od late so I'm due 6/23. This will be my 4th baby so I'm cautious. First pregnancy I had twins, lost one, second one was doing great, strong heart beats and everything but at 10 weeks stopped growing. 3rd baby was in august and I lost it around 5 weeks. I'm hoping this pregnancy is a lot less eventful than the others. I loved my other bmb and can't wait to get to know you all!
Married 11/27/09 and TTC right away
Dx: Septate uterus, endometrial polyps, PCOS, endometriosis, hypo thyroid
4 uterus surgeries to correct my septum (although it is still there) and to remove polyps
Baby 1 and 2: BFP 3/3/11 with 2 babies EDD 11/1/11, M/C 4/6/11
Baby #3: 8/11 pregnant EDD 4/27/11 and m/c:(
Baby #4: 10/12/11 BFP! EDD 6/16/12m/c 10/26/11
Baby #5: 3/13/12 BFP! EDD 11/25/12 ANOTHER m/c :(
Baby #6: 2/14/13- BFP! EDD 10/24/12, CP 2/19/13
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