June 2012 Moms

Just found out!!!

Hi everyone!! After 5 pregnancy tests last night (needed to be 100% sure), I found out I'm pregnant!!! Its still settling in. I have my first OB appt on friday, for them to confirm themselves (I should just bring in my 5 tests lol). From all the online calculators I'm 5 wks and the baby's due date is June 9th. 

My husband and I have been married for 2 years now, and we're both excited. Actually shocked because we weren't trying. I go to school full time perusing my career in Occupational therapy. I only have 2 academic semesters left, then 6 months of clinicals, so trying for a baby wasn't really on my mind. But, it happened, and I couldn't be happier. 

I feel soo overwhelmed and have no idea where to start. How are you guys feeling? I am soooo bloated, and crampy (is that okay?). My emotions are on a roller coaster, I don't know whether to cry or laugh. Im so nervous? eeekkk..Well I'm sure you guys will see me on here, peeking at your posts and leaving the occasional comment. 

Excited to share this unbelievable moment with you ladies 


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