June 2012 Moms


We had our second u/s today to see the heartbeat.  I was nervous because I am so early in the 6th week, but they found it right away!  It was 120 b/m, which doc said was perfect.  And we saw more of a "blob" today that was baby, not just the yolk sac.  It was AMAZING to see the little heart flickering so fast.  I couldn't get enough of looking at it.  I'm still measuring right on at 6w1d.  Phew!  

At our last appointment last Thursday, they found I had a cyst the size of an orange.  It is still the same size (7 cm!), but they saw that it is starting to disintegrate.  Thank goodness!  

We go back in two weeks.  If the cyst has reduced in size enough and baby still looks good, I will officially graduate from my RE.  I can't believe it!   

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