Upstate NY Babies

WTF is wrong with people??

I don't know why I let people bother me so much.  Over the weekend we took the boys to Brown's Berry Patch.  There's a small barn where the kids can feed some of the animals.  They have a big sink to wash your hands, as well as a little sink for the kids.  Anyways, I was helping my 21 month old and 3 yo wash their hands when all of a sudden I hear a woman next to me very rudely say to her daughter "I guess we'll have to use the big sink because obviously they don't know how to share!"  I looked over at her in complete shock that she said that and said back "I'm trying lady."  That's all I could come up with at the time.  I really wish I had more time to think of what I wanted to say but I'm not that quick on my  Plus, I would never have said anything in front of my kids other than what I said.  However, I would have liked to ask her if her daughter skipped over ages 1 through 6, because had she not, then she would have realized that it takes kids forever to do anything!!  And I should have said "way to set an example in front of your child."  I swear there's a least one in every crowd.  Ok, thanks for letting me rant.  I'm still mad about it.
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