Upstate NY Babies

My microwave just scared the crap out of us.

Uhg.  Looks like my microwave just kicked the bucket.  I put in a plastic storage dish with food and as soon as I hit start, it made a loud cracking static type sound, I jumped and opened the door to turn it off.  Startled me and scared the crap out of Anna, she was standing right next to me.  Once she stopped crying, I unplugged it and checked the surounding cupboards and walls for heat and smoke.  All clear.

 It really sucks because it is a built-in above the stove.  To replace it, I am going to need to clear out the cupboards around it.  Everything is such a cluttered mess right now.  And DH is not going to want to spend the money because we just spent about a grand on the concrete foundations for our deck.

So, now, what to replace it with.  My kitchen is in despirate need of a facelift/upgrade, but we have no plans on doing anything until after I go back to work.  Besides, DH does NOT replace appliances if they are still functioning.  But I really think we should switch to stainless steal.  Right now, everything is white, even that terrible, much hated sink and faucet!  We do want to replace the electric stove with a gas one, but gas lines were never run to that side of the house and the previous owners drywalled the ceiling in the basement.  So to run a gas line, we would need to rip out and replace drywall, then paint.  Just a lot of work.  I don't think it will happen in the next few years.  So, would you go with another white one to match?  Or stainless mismatch.  Also, anyone research microwaves lately have anything to add?  TIA

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