Single Parents

Already thinking about Christmas...

Alright, I know this is months away, but I would like some opinions as to whether or not this is reasonable.

So, a bit of background: My ex's brother is married to my sister. Last year for Christmas we had both our families together which was nice but super awkward.

Anyways, this year my parents, DS and I will be traveling to the city where ex, sister and BIL live for the holiday as BIL invited my dad to an NHL game on the 23rd. We will be there from that day till the 26th. Every year ex's/BIL parents have a big party for their family on Christmas Eve. Last year I let my sister and BIL take DS there for a few hours. This year, I'd like to do the same only drop him off around noon maybe and pick him up around 6 so he can have a bath and relax a bit before bed around 8. Do you think that's reasonable? It's enough time for his family to visit with him on that day I think.

Here's the catch-I have a feeling I'm going to catch heat from my ex over it. It seems like a good arrangement to me seeing as they will be at my sisters house Christmas day for dinner (this is the LAST year our families will be doing it. My sister and I are not cool with having our families together and it's a big awkward situation). Fortunately, I have sole custody (physical and legal) so it's pretty much up to me what goes down. The only reason I'm worried about it is that because my family and his family have permanent ties because of my sister/BIL, I don't want to make a big deal of it for their sake.

So, what do you all think?

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