June 2012 Moms

Another June Mommy


 I got my BFP on Friday.  My DH and I had been TTC for over a year, and just started fertility testing.  I was scheduled for an HSG test Friday afternoon...I had thought I had a light period earlier last week, but when I woke up Friday morning, my temps still seemed high, and I had this weird gut feeling, so I decided to POAS...and it was positive!  Must have been implantation bleeding.   I woke DH up at 5:45 a.m....needless to say, by 6:30 he was at CVS to buy another pregnancy test to be sure.  We were in shock!  Of course I had to call the OB/GYN to cancel the test...they had me in to confirm - POSTIVE!

 We are so excited! My EDD is June 9th. 

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