June 2012 Moms

Had an u/s today!

Today i had my first u/s. Also, since it's my first, I met the doctor for the first time. HE IS SO NICE! Anyway, he told me that since my hCG was only at about 1200 that he wasn't sure if he was going to be able to see anything or not. Well, he wasn't able to. He said he saw where he thinks the gestational sac is going to be, although he said "That's where the baby's home is gonna be I think!" I thought that was funny. Anyway, I had to get more blood drawn today and they are hoping the number is between 5-6,000. He basically calmed all fears I had after getting the phone call last week. Said there is pretty much nothing to worry about. Will be going back next week for another u/s! Hoping to hear the heartbeat! :)
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