Single Parents

What do you do for dinner?

I'm finding it next to impossible to cook a dinner/supper for me and DS to enjoy together during the week. I usually only have time to whip something together for him to eat, before he has an all-out meltdown from being hungry. I pick him up from daycare 5:15-5:30 and he's usually eating dinner by 6:00. On a good day, I'll have a bowl of cereal or sandwich after he's in bed. Sometimes I don't have the energy to eat dinner at all.
What do you do for meals? I have little to no time after I pick up DS from daycare, because he's always ready for dinner. He has a snack at 3:30 at daycare, so I know he's not famished. I've tried giving him a snack after daycare so I can cook dinner, but then he's not hungry when it's time to eat.

I want to get in the habit of having a "family" dinner each night, but it's so difficult. Any suggestions
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