June 2012 Moms


Hi Ladies!

Just wanted to cautiously introduce myself and say hi and congrats to all the newly expecting ladies here.

I just got my BFP this morning, on my first wedding anniversary no less! :)  I'm still in shock and not entirely sure it's real yet.  I ran right out and got a digi to confirm and it took less than 90 seconds to pop up with that amazing word "pregnant"! This was our 8th cycle TTC and we had just been referred to an RE for possible fertility treatments as my OB ran some routine blood tests a couple of months ago that came back less than stellar.  Now it appears our consult last week with the RE was for nothing.  Which I am thrilled about and crossing all my fingers and toes that this baby sticks!    

DH and I are 32 years old and have been together for not quite 5 years yet, married for 1.  This quite possibly could be the best anniversary present I can imagine!  I was convinced we were out this month since we had bad timing and I was having the same slew of PMS symptoms I get every month that have been fooling me into hoping I was pregnant.  The only tell tale sign that made me even want to test was that my boobs have been progressively getting sorer and more swollen since the day I ovulated.  The last two days even the slightest breeze across them is making me cringe in pain.  But I'm so happy to have it because of what it means I don't even care how badly they hurt! :)

Anyway, my EDD is June 18, 2012 and I'm looking forward to getting to know you ladies over the next 9 months! I'll be scheduling my first appointment with my OB tomorrow for as soon as they'll let me in.

H&H 9 months to everyone!  


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