June 2012 Moms

2nd pregnancy question

I noticed I went from having a good supply of milk to basically beind done nursing within 3-4 days.  I tested and found out I was pregnant so it explained that but my boobs are not tender or getting big like they did right away with my first pregnancy.  Does that seem normal??

Breast tenderness and them getting bigger early on was one of the first signs I had when I found out I was pregnant with the first time.  So I'm wondering if things are okay with the pregnancy??  Is this going to affect my milk supply for this baby??

I nursed exclusively for 9 months so I when my milk was going down I just thought "must be time to start weaning him" then I started having a few symptoms of being pregnant - smelling (some smells made me sick to my stomach, etc), extremely emotional (I'd cry at anything), stuffy nose in the evenings, going to the bathroom a little more often, and a little nausiated at times.  So I wasn't surprised when I found out I was pregnant but I'm just worried that since my breasts aren't tender or seem as big if I need to call the dr??  First appt isn't till Nov 7th (I'll be 10 wks at that appt).

I had pretty small breasts before I got pregnant the first time and of course they were huge all through my pregnancy - had to buy a new bra before my first appt!  And I had great milk supply throughout the 9 months I nursed and when my milk stopped they did "shrink" a little...not as small as they were the first time so I'm just wondering!?!?!?!?  Maybe b/c my breasts/body is already use to making milk if it's just on reserve and will start to get bigger in the next couple of weeks or something????

Thanks in advance for any input!

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