June 2012 Moms

Intro: still in shock to be here!

Hi Ladies! Sooo looking forward to getting to know you all better!

A little about me:

I'm 28 and my DH is 29 and this is our first baby. I just went off BCP in August, and am very surprised to find out I'm already pregnant. Our EDD is June 10 - only 4 days after my birthday! As I said in my subject line, I am still really in shock that this happened so soon, especially because I JUST bought a BBT to start charting! We're both happy, but it hasn't sunk in yet. When will it? Lol.

Tonight we told my IL's, and tomorrow we're telling my parents/brother and possibly my extended family because they'll all be over for Thanksgiving dinner. We made our furbaby a little t-shirt that says "Big Sister June 2012" and my plan is to sneak it on her and then let her run around and see how long it takes for someone to clue in! My mom has been waiting a LONG time to become a grandma (or "grammy" as she wants to be called) and I can't wait to see her reaction!

My symptoms so far have been intermittent cramping (but no spotting), sore boobs, breaking out, bloating and moodiness. I'm dreading the day when nausea and M/S kick in, although I know some women don't experience it, please let that be me!!! Lol.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to spending the next 8 months with you gals and I wish each and every one of you a happy and healthy pregnancy!

BFP #1 MM/C discovered at 8w2d, loss 11/18/11
I'll hold you in my heart until I hold you in heaven
BFP #2 7/7/12, EDD 3/14/13, stick baby stick!
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