June 2012 Moms


Hi everyone!  I'm so excited to join you all!!  I'm 26 and DH is 27.  We have been ttc for just about 2 years.  It's been a rough road between surgery, IUIs and hospitalization for OHSS.  Finally, we took a break, and to our surprise, I got my first BFP ever!  I had a blood test to confirm 15dpo and my beta was 220.  I'm going for my ultrasound on Monday.  This is all so exciting!

My EDD is June 13, 2012.  

Me: 27, DH: 28 TTC since 11/09
2/10 & 3/10 Clomid 50mg-BFN
5/10-Lap Surgery for Stage 2 Endo
3/11-IUI#1 with Follistim and Menopur-developed mild OHSS= BFN
6/11-IUI#2 with Follistim -developed moderate OHSS= BFN!
7/11-FSH-11, AMH 1.6
9/11-ttc naturally with positive thoughts :)
10/6/11-POSITIVE pregnancy test!!! 15dpo BETA-220
6/14/2012- Riley Harper arrived!! We love our little girl
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