June 2012 Moms

Mini-Review: Prenatal Pilates DVD

Hello ladies!

 We've had a few different posts about exercise and prenatal DVDs and I finally got around to trying one of the two I ordered and wanted to share with anyone who is interested.

I've got the "10 Minute Solution Prenatal Pilates" and I really liked it!  I'm not a big workout DVD fan because I get bored very quickly, but this one was neat because it has 5 different 10 minute segments you can pick from and put them in any order you want.  (I have a couple workout DVDs that won't even let you skip all the 15 minutes of commercials/intro in the beginning and just get to the workout, so I thought it was pretty neat that you can choose the order and just get going on this one.)

 The core workout wasn't very strenuous (which makes sense I guess- I'm kinda paranoid about doing much ab work anyway) but my arms, legs, and glutes are a little sore (in a good way) from the "Buns and Thighs" and "Total Body" segments.   

Right now, I could see doing this frequently throughout the pregnancy, but we'll see how long it keeps my attention.  I also have "The Perfect Pregnancy Workout- Volume 1" so I'll let y'all know about it when I try it if anyone is interested!  

Anybody else found any good DVDs or workouts yet? 

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