June 2012 Moms

Done with the BBT charting


Woke up this morning with a temp of 97.81 and it immediately made me freak out a little.  I am thinking it is time to put the thermometer away for good.  Any of ya'll have had a similar experience?

TTC # 1 since July 2008 / 4 IUI's BFN / May 2011 IVF cancelled (found polyps removed 4/21/11) / 2 more IUI's BFN / 10/1/11 HPT BFP / 10/3/11 Beta 239 (prog 19.79) / 10/9/11 m/c @ 6w1d / 1/21/12 HPT (DIGITAL) BFP / 1/23/12 Beta - 869 (prog 67.70) / 1/27/12 1st u/s - measuring 5w1d 9/24/12 Welcome Andrew Thomas!!! imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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