June 2012 Moms

When you're due/how far along you are

This will be my first child. According to my LMP (and the online due date calculators), I'm 5 weeks 4 days, due June 6th. According to the hospital where I had my blood test (they also used my LMP), I'm 5 weeks 1 day due June 8th. Which those are similar I guess, but I'm wondering if I am actually further along. My first ultrasound may not be until I'm 10 weeks, they haven't even let me set up my first OB/GYN appt. yet. Just looking for some comparisons from women who may be due around the same time and perhaps have already seen a dr by this time, or maybe you're 5 weeks and were able to have an ultrasound or something. I understand that 5 weeks is probably early but I'm sure there are a couple of people out there who have had an ultrasound this early. Anyways, is anyone due around this time, that has had a dr. say something different as far as how far along you are? I feel like I shouldn't already be showing at 5 weeks but I'm definitely bigger. Thanks!
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