Single Parents

Single Mommy of 17 month old, just found out pregnant with 2nd.

 I joined TheBump again because it was an amazing source of support when I was pregnant with my first child. My life went by extremely quick.. I started college as a freshman in 2009, found out I was pregnant Sept. 1, 2009, baby daddy and I got married December 14, 2009.. had my adorable son April 16, 2010. Now, my ex and I have been seperated since Feb. 2011, I will be divorced in 2 weeks. ( He kept leaving me). I confided in a close friend, he was there for me .. you do the math. Well now, I just found out today that I am pregnant. I took a test, and I got a positive. I told the "close friend " about it, and he pretty much waived all his rights over. There are single mothers out there that have been raising more than 1 child, I'm scared I'm not strong enough. I'm worried sick about it. Yes, maybe I should have been more responsible. I don't need criticism right now. I need support. Anyone else in the same situation?
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