TTC After a Loss 6 Months+

Update on me

I haven't written a post in a little while because we were on a break after my most recent c/p, but we are getting back into the game this cycle.  I have been going to acupunture again and we are going to do a couple of IUI's.  At my WTF appt with the RE I basically said that we did 2 unmedicated IUI's last year - 1 didn't work, 1 did, but I had a c/p.  Then this year we have done 2 IVF's - 1 didn't work, 1 did, but I had a c/p.  So I feel like I went through 2 invasive procedures for nothing.  Nothing different anyway.

She did say that it was most likely egg/embryo quality, but that she doesn't think there is no chance for me, so she is supportive of trying a couple IUI's again.  Unmedicated to not stress my 38 year old ovaries, since I do ovulate on my own.  She did suggest some vitamins for DH and his MFI.  He is taking fertility blend and co-q 10, as well as omega 3.  I am also taking the co-q 10 and omega 3.  There are studies that say the co-q 10 helps with sperm and a study that says it may help with egg quality too. 

She did say that they would give me a discounted IVF cycle, since we have had 2 failed cycles.  The little insurance we had is gone now, so we will be 100% OOP.  So a discount would be great, but I want to try at least 3 IUI's first. 

I will admit I am feeling kind of numb about it all.  Some days I feel hopeful and other days I am uncertain.  I just want it to work so badly, but even if I do get pregnant, with 4 losses under my belt, getting pregnant really doesn't mean much - it's the staying that way that matters. 

So, we are giving it all we can.  I guess that's all we can do really.  My RE did say something interesting, she said "it's the people who keep trying who have success."  I guess she's right, it's just hard - after 2 1/2 years - to keep going.  Yet, the alternative isn't going to make me happy for certain. 

Thanks for reading.  I love you ladies and I always keep you in my thoughts and prayers. 

Have some cake on me!!

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