June 2012 Moms

Waiting to hear from Doctor- partial update

Woke up this morning with extreme lightheadedness- to the point where I spent a good 5 minutes with my head on my knees either going to puke or pass out, accompanied by hot and cold spells.  I get lightheaded often (never really this severe) so this didn't alarm me that much.  I still feel pretty crummy but I dragged myself to work since I am freelancing and don't really get "sick days".

Then about an hour ago I went to the restroom and noticed a significant amount of brown spotting- enough to use a pad instead of a pantyliner.  I immediately called the doctor and am waiting for a call back.  I am so nervous.


Doctor had an opening right away, but I am working an hour away from her office so I couldn't make it.

She sent lab orders into the hospital, so I will go in for blood work this afternoon. She said we will start there and proceed accordingly after we get the results back.

Thanks everyone for the T&Ps and the positive thoughts, I sure need them right now!  

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