June 2012 Moms

I'm joining June Mommies!!

Got my BFP this week! I thought we were out for this month, but to my surprise we are expecting #2. My beatiful, smart, funny, loving daughter was born 11/24/09. She's not perfect and has her moments of fits and such, but she has been such a good baby and a good toddler. I didn't think I'd be ready for #2 this soon, but she's been such a joy I wanted to do it again. Even more to my surprise DH was on board to try for #2. (He didn't even want any kids before we started dating. Shocking for how wonderful of a father he turned out to be) I'm 27, DH will be 32 this month. We've been married over 4 yrs. So that's my life story, Congrats to all of you and I'm so happy to be joining you!
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