January 2012 Moms

Could not wipe the look off my face...

So my SO and I went to my 1st born's Open house the other night. Received her 1st 2nd grade and she got all A's and B's!! She struggled through last year... So we are extra proud!

N E Ways, we are sitting in the "assembly" part of the evening where the principal speaks and introduces the staff to the families and such. In the middle of her speaking, a woman, not 15 feet away from us not only answers her phone, but puts it on speaker phone and commences to speak LOUDLY to the person on the other end (I suppose to be sure that he could hear her). And it's not like she was just letting him know that she would call him back... It was a full blown conversation! I think they even got cut off and she called him back! I could not wipe the look of... Indifferent disgust off of my face, though I tried very hard considering I go to this school for work sometimes and it is a very small school...

Now I would POSSIBLY understand if she was in a younger generation, or disabled, or SOMETHING, but no... This woman could have been my... estranged aunt and I am 28! I freely and proudly admit that we live in a small, redneck town, but SERIOUSLY LADY?!?


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