January 2012 Moms

Last minute trouble (Vent NBR)

So yeah, I've posted about this guy before.  I'm just so antsy that I need to get this vent out.  Feel free to skip over it if you'd like.

Our wedding is this Saturday, and we've employed the cake maker from hell.  He was a close friend who runs a "cake business" on the side (aka he makes cakes at home and delivers them himself).  At first the problem was that he ended up with a revoked driver's license in the state we live in, but he was going to drive up anyway.  He lives 4 hours away from the wedding site, but he was going to be cheap and not get a hotel room and just drive up the morning of. 

That made me ubber nervous.  So I got my parents who live nearby to pick up the cakes from him tomorrow so that we know for sure we would have them.  Well he just messaged me that he decided to change the plan, that he's going to be bringing the cakes himself because he found someone to give him a ride.  I tried asking him when they were planning on driving up, but he's not answering me.

Now I'm downright stressed.  What if he refuses to give my parents the cakes?  What if he's trying to get up here the morning of as was his original plan?  Oh, and did I mention he will have his 7 year old in tow?  This whole situation just smells trouble.

This is coupled with future H's outfit maker supposed to have delivered his outfit today but didn't even have it finished.  He's supposedly coming by at 2am after I've gone to bed.  I'm not happy with him either, and he's cut it really close with no time for alterations.

I'm sure hormones aren't helping any.  I'm scared to keep my phone on now for fear of something else falling through last minute. :(

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