Single Parents

What to expect from Youth Services home visit

First off, hi. Long time lurker, first time poster. You ladies are so wonderful and I'm hoping someone can offer me some advice.

Background. I've been divorced for 3 years and have a beautiful 6 y/o daughter. We divorced because he was both verbally and emotionally and mentally abusive towards me, but never towards our daughter. When we divorced, I thought the abuse would stop, but it has only escalated.

Most recently, he has reported me to Youth Services claiming that I am abusing our daughter, which could not be any further from the truth. I have to take my daughter in tomorrow to be interviewed and afterwards they are going to do a home visit. Any ideas what to expect? I have nothing to hide, so do I just have my house at is normally is? Do I go insane cleaning? I mean, I don't want it to look like I tried to hard. I have no idea what to expect and no idea what they are looking for.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you. 

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