Upstate NY Babies

Video Monitors?

So we have the old version of the Summer Infant Best View video monitor....we bought it before T was born and for the most part it looked great for us. We did have to replace it twice in the past 18 months or so because it stopped charging, but other than that we were happy with the quality of it. Long story short a month or so ago the cord stopped working in it too, so we called about getting that replaced and they suggested just buying the newer model and they'd give us a discount on it. So we decided to do that and we just got model which is supposedly the newer more improved version of ours. Truthfully I think it sucks and I want to return it. The video quality on it is horrible. Our older version was a much more crisp image and also allowed you to see details in their their eyes being open or closed whereas this on is like a big fuzzy least on night vision it is. DH doesn't want to send it back because he said it's the only one out there right now that he knows about that allwos you to pan the room/move the camera area with the handheld remote.

What would you girls do? Do you know of any others that are better or that you really have loved?

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