Upstate NY Babies

Talk to me about preschool (working Moms?)

Background: MIL will watch the girls 2-3 days/week and the other 2 or 3 days they are enrolled in a day care center.  We love the infant part of the day care and the teachers.  Stella will be transitioning to the toddler area this month.  I wasn't overly impressed with the toddler room, the toys just seemed dated but the teacher has been there a long time and seems great.

A couple of in-home day care options have come up recently.  My BFF offered to watch the girls.  DH and I aren't comfortable with mixing "business" with our friendship so I don't think we will choose her.  My Mom's next door neighbor has watched kids for a long time and is looking for more.  It would save us a lot of money and I completely trust this woman.  But I like the structure of day care and have a hard time giving that up.  Plus, Stella will be going to preschool soon and I like that they have preschool at day care.  If we chose to send the girls to the in-home we'd have to figure out a preschool situation in less than 2 years. 

So if your LO is in day care, center or in-home, what is their preschool schedule like?

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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