Upstate NY Babies


I was nervous about being on maternity leave with both girls.  As a working Mom I've never thought that I'd make a good SAHM.  I was so worried that Stella would be bored with me and/or act out b/c of all the attention that I have to give Audrey.  I was also worried that I'd be lonely.

But it's been so great being home with them now that we've got a pretty good routine going.  We're able to get out of the house, even if it's just for a car ride to get a coffee for me.  MIL takes Stella to Wegmans with her on Tuesday mornings and while Stella is napping I get lots of 1-on-1 time with Audrey and while she sleeps I get to have some quality time with Stella. And DH has been really great and helpful when he gets home from work.  I'm dreading going back to work even though being a FT SAHM mom still isn't for me.  I'm soaking up every second being home with my girls!

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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