January 2012 Moms

Glucose Test

Apologies as I am certain this topic has been well-covered here, but my search function is not working.  I failed the 1 hour glucose test yesterday with a 165.  I did not have gestational diabetes for my first pregnancy and have not a single one of the risk factors. 

I have the 3 hour test tomorrow.  How many of you failed the 1 hour, but passed the 3 hour test?

Thanks.  I am just frustrated.  This pregnancy has been one thing after the other...a low Papp-a protein, then a low placenta (which has since moved up), dropping platelets, and now this.  I know in the overall scheme of things, it could be much worse and for that, I should be thankful, but my husband and I are also in the midst of possibly moving states two months before the due date.  New OB, leaving my job, new home, new daycare for son, etc.  It just feels like too much at times!  Thanks for letting me vent.  :)

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