January 2012 Moms

I had no idea what to say...

I feel like i complete jerk!

I work with special needs clients of all ages. One of my clients came to me last week and told me he had GREAT news. He told me his wife was pregnant, but they didnt know how far along yet. Both husband and wife, have MR along with a few other developmental disabilities. They are fairly high functioning, work, maintain their own house and what not. He said he wanted to share with me because he knew I was expecting as well. Although I was happy for him, of course I was a little concerned about the propper care for the baby, and also they had no idea how far along she was.

This morning I came into work and he was waiting for me. He told me she lost the baby, and they were able to find out it was a little girl. My heart broke for him, yet I had no words to say. Idk if it was because he is a man, and I didnt know what to say to comfort him, like I would a fellow mom. I just said I would pray for him and his wife. I normally would tell a someone as hard as this is, God has a plan, and give encouragement for the next baby. But in this case, I felt wrong encouraging him to try again.

I hope that doesnt make me sound horrible, I work with the DD population and they have my heart, but when it comes to both parents being diagnosed I dont agree with bringing a child into the world.

Thanks for letting me vent!

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