January 2012 Moms

I miss you girls!

Life is just so dang busy!  I have had no time to bump, and my phone hates me and won't let me post on our facebook page...and I'm rarely at the computer.

I miss you ladies a whole lot!

I hope everyone is doing wonderfully!  I can't believe we're all almost into the 3rd Trimester!  Time is just flying by!

I had my 24 week appointment today and everything is going great so far!  I am worried about not being prepared when this little girl decides to show up...we don't have anything for her yet, as we have just seriously been so busy!

We talked today about labor plans, and I love that my doctor is a "go with the flow" type like I am.  I really want to go into labor on my own (I love the excitement factor of driving to the hospital and calling friends and family), so that's the plan, but we'll see!  We will induce if we need to. 

I also asked him about epidurals.  With my DS my water broke at 36 weeks, but I wasn't having contractions and I wasn't effaced or dialated at all, so they immediately started Pitocin...because of that he allowed me to get the epidural as soon as I wanted it (I was about 7 hours in and only 2 cm dialiated when I finally got it.)  He said he was really okay with me getting it whenever I was ready, especially if we had to do Pitocin again.

I can't believe that we're already talking about this stuff!  It's so exciting!

I hope everyone is doing well!  I've been praying daily for Chenoa and her sweet Sophia.  I'm going to try to get on more often, because I have been missing everyone. 

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