January 2012 Moms

I had my antenatal appointment yesterday...

... and everything looks great. I came out of there feeling super positive and just feel like sharing!

So far I have gained 10 lbs which the midwife said was perfect. My urine tests were all fine as was my blood pressure. She measured my bump and everything is growing right on track. We came to my favourite part of the appts and DH & I got to hear LO's heartbeat which was perfect although she did seem to be trying to kick the doppler away!

When our midwife palpatated my uterus to see where/how baby is lying and she said that there is nothing in my pelvic cavity, baby is lying transverse right across my middle which would explain why, when she is moving, it feels like a mexican wave (or worm!) ended with a kick everytime. Lol

So, how is everyone else feeling? Excited & positive?

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