January 2012 Moms

you know your pregnancy food cravings are out of control when...

you (half-jokingly) offer DH a BJ if he'll run to chocolatier in the mall to get you some fudge.  LOL.

It's been 10 days since I had some and I can't help but keep thinking about how good it was and how much I want more.  Sadly, the fudge I'd gotten was at a festival an hour away so I can't just go back and get more. I work 10 hour days until saturday so it's going to be hard for me to get there and then cross my fingers that they'll have some GF fudge!  I'd just go over myself now but the mall closes in 10 mns so I'd never make it in time.

I need to just learn my lesson and when I'm craving something the first time I just need to buy $50 worth of whatever it is b/c cravings never seem to go away!!!!

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