January 2012 Moms

Being referred to as "wife", not first name (NBR)

Quick question:

Do you think it's endearing or a sign of disrespect when someone from your DH's family refers you by your relationship status as opposed to your first name?

Example: When speaking about me to DH, FIL only refers to me as "your wife". "Make sure you are taking care of yourself during your wife's pregnancy". "How is your wife doing?". "We are looking forward to see you and your wife and new baby in the Spring" etc, etc... This has been going on for about 3 years now.

I don't have a bad relationship with the man (well--not that I'm aware of), but we are definitely not close. He does know my first name considering I've been with DH for 9 years now.

We see DH's parents about once every year. Maybe it's the pregnancy hormones, but I'm taking slight offense to this right now.

What say ye, January '12 ladies? 

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