June 2012 Moms

Looks like I get to stick around here! Blood result update!

First off, thanks for the support and reassurance last night and this AM ladies! It really helped to keep me calm while waiting to call the Dr!

My pregnancy was confirmed by blood test!  Beta level = 162.  He told me this indicates very early pregnancy (but couldn't say exactly how far along) and that nothing can be seen on ultrasound until at least 3000 which is why he couldn't find anything. I'm still super nervous but aren't we all?!

He wants me to come back in 2 weeks. I've seen a lot of people post about getting a 2nd / 3rd beta 2 / 4 days after the initial numbers to look for doubling. He told me this is only done when there is a history of miscarriage or risk factors like low progesterone.

So, I'm set to go back on the 17th...and when I spoke to the secretary I asked her to set my appt with another Dr. in the practice - I have a bad taste in my mouth with this guy from yesterday's appointment.

Daisypath Anniversary tickersBaby Slings at Nurtured Family
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