January 2012 Moms

busy weekend

so i have been off of here for a little bit cause my computer has been down. anyone know anything about computers? hehe.

anyhow, DH and i had a very busy weekend. all of it very exciting. we had been talking about how we can consolidate our bills to help free up some money. so in talking we decided the best solution was to get rid of our car payments.... so we took his baby ( f250 superduty truck) and my car (08 versa) to the dealership and traded them in for a 2012 nissan versa (basically the cheapest car on the market). we were able to take $800 in car/insurance payments down to about $400 :) (we still have a '98 cobra & a motorcycle in addition to the new car, plus DH is looking for a beater truck to pay with cash so we can still pull our trailer around. so no lack in vehicles. hehe.)

the other part of the big news, is we have been looking at houses since we got back from our wedding a month ago. we found a few we liked but found out about some hidden costs, thankfully before we decided to put in an offer. well saturday we found a house we both LOVE. it is 2400sf, 4bedroom, 3bath, with 2 car garage. pretty much what we both want in a house. so we put in a offer. we are still waiting to hear if the seller is accepting our offer (us and an investor put in offers). fingers crossed they take ours, we are supposed to hear back this afternoon! if not, i am sure we will find something.

the other highlight of the weekend was that a co-worker of DHs sold us a crib :D so another major item checked off the list! now we just need space to put the growing amount of baby things.

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