Single Parents

Just need to vent (longgggg)

I'm exhausted. And broke. And I don't feel like anyone but other single mom's would understand. So if you make it thru all of this- A) you're a saint B) Thanks for listening.

DD#1's (she's 7) father has been working for cash under the table for over a year and the last CS I received from him was 56.00 last December. The state has finally sent my case to the PA's office- and I know I'm in a long line- for non-payment. He's married to someone who makes substantial money and DD has a TV With Cable in her bedroom at their house but hardly any clothes. But he can't pay any CS- or help with school lunch and after school care (which is what I would be using CS for). They can afford to feed 5 animals. But no CS. They can go on vacations every other month. But no CS. He says- it's Her Money- not his. I've told him before: it's not a crime to be married to someone with money- but it is a crime not to pay your CS. His license has been suspended due to non-payment of a traffic ticket- so I've told him- on the advice of my atty- that he can't pick her up for visitation until he provides me with proof that he can drive. He hasn't.

DD#2's (she's 5 months) father has never called to check on her or paid any money. It's all tied up with the attorneys. Further more- he was working for his brother's law firm and "conveniently" lost his job last week. My atty says it's most likely a stall tactic due to the amt. of CS. he was going to have to pay. And it's not like a HUGE amount- but it would've helped me pay childcare and buy food/diapers. And I can tell you- his ExW/Kids are not doing without. And he speaks to them every single day. etc.

I'm obviously living check to check and I work FT and there are days when I feel like I am failing miserably at all of this. And am I wrong that when I hear other people saying "My H/ SO/ BF is out of town for such and such amount of time and I'm a single mom/exhausted" that it makes me stabby?  I know that my pain/hardship isn't anymore/less than anyone else's; but man! someday's it feels like it.

Phew! I feel better! Sorry this is so long- I really just needed to vent.

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