June 2012 Moms

Hi Ladies...So glad to be joining you!!


I just wanted to introduce myself and say hi!  I am 5w2d and due on June 2, 2012 (I think my ticker is wrong by a day or so) with #2.

We are so excited and can't wait...I know my DD with love being a big sister.

We have decided to tell everyone at my DD 2nd bday party we are having in 3 weeks ( I will 8wks) because everyone will be here.  We are going to take a picture of my DD wearing a shirt that says "Best Sister Ever!" (She was wearing this shirt to tell DH too !) We are going to put the picture in a frame on the wall, and then see if/when people notice.

Does that sound like a good idea?  Also, anyone else due 6/2 ?

Look forward to going through the next 9 months with all of you.  Thanks! 

BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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