June 2012 Moms

1st appointment scheduled.

I am SO glad I decided to call my OB's office today. My dr was completely booked at the office closer to my house so I had to call the office I went to with my son to get in to see her. The only appointment I could get before 10 weeks was November 16th which is fine. I spoke to her nurse about the PNVs and b/c I have not been in over a year (13 months but who's counting) they won't prescribe any over the phone. So I guess it's OTC or flintstones until the 16th. She did tell me that if I get super sick like last time to call them back between now and the appt so that they can try to fit me in sooner. So now we wait...I am so glad I called! 
Colin Patrick-7/14/08 Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers imageimageLilypie First Birthday tickers
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