Baby Names

Girls names for boys & boys names for girls-Opinions Welcome!

I guess I should start by saying, I'm not sure that I want my to name my son something that could possible be the same name as the girl sitting next to him in class someday. 

Among the few boys names  that my husband and I love,  is Sawyer. We've loved it for awhile, but after doing some research I have noticed that some people are naming their girls this.  To me it is not one bit feminine. And I personally couldn't picture naming a girl this.  What are your opinions?  Is this a name that is unisex in your eyes?

I know that this seem to be a new fad--especially naming girls  boys name-- example Elliot, Charlie, Carter to name a  few.One last name that we really like, but for a girl, is Harper-- do you feel this is a unisex name as well?   I see all girl when I see the name Harper, but maybe I'm biased.

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