January 2012 Moms

Am I wrong?

The excited grandparents are throwing me a baby shower and are trying their damnedest not to let me know any details and won't involve me in theme, games or ideas, etc. The problem is my mom NEVER listens to what I want. EVER. It's not in her nature. She does what she wants. I am so irritable because of this! I don't even want the games or blue decorations etc!

They also waited until the last minute to find a place to host this. I told them early on I had a lot of people that want to come around 30 friends alone not including family and that was fine until the places they wanted were booked. Then they wanted to split the event into two showers and only plan the one they'd go to. So I was trying to find a friend that could help me but she is away at grad school in another state. This was so stressful.

I'd like to add that we stay with his parents. This has been so much help since I am constantly sick or in the hospital and is less stress on me, but I have no control over anything--especially the baby's room. It's still full of their junk and as time gets closer and the possibility of me being induced early is becoming stronger I am getting more and more antsy and frustrated since nothing is ready.

Am I wrong to feel this way? Should I just shut up and go with the flow? Go ahead and tell me. I can handle it!

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