Single Parents

Oh No Another Newbie

Sorry girls I'm sure you get the same dumb questions from those of us who are new.  I did read the FAQ post to make sure I didn't ask any of those questions at least.  :)  My Ex was super controlling and emotionally abusive.  He did get somewhat physical once too (not leaving any marks but restraining & pushed me and held my hands together really hard to where my fingers hurt for at least a month.)  Geez, I guess that is more than somewhat, I've just never admitted it before I guess.  Anyways he has always been a very good dad and our worst fights haven't been in front of our daughter, lots of name calling and yelling that should have never happened but the true "rage" never happened in front of her.  He swears he's changed and wants us back.  He seems sooo very changed but I'm trying to be smart and tell him that if he's changed in a year still we can talk just to try and give myself some distance.  The real question is how is CS affected by % of visitation time.  TX standard CS is 20% but if he has her 40% of the time will it go down?  He is AWFUL with money.  He hasn't even filed taxes in 2009 or 2010 and is in default of his student loans.  He and I negotiated and got to 12.5% CS which would cover 1/2 of child support and maybe about $100 extra on top of that.  He said he will split medical bills, extracuricular activites, major clothing shopping twice a year and other big expenses.  Problem is, he is awful with money and I think it will be WWIII to get another penny out of his after the 12.5%.  Would I be crazy to agree?  I do have an attny, we go for our temp orders on Monday.  She "thinks" we could get better visitation time for me but hasn't answered the CS question.  I do want him in her life and she loves her daddy dearly.  We make about the same amount/year.  She is 2.5 years old. 

**Edited to correct that I have her 60%

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